__ We think together

In order to realise creative ventures it is necessary to work with a network consisting of creatives, strategists, brand experts, copywriters, and other like-minded individuals and wonderful human beings __ Pls have a look here to gain your impression of what this means for us and who we work with.

Sophie Leitner
Brand and Business Development

Anna Reinhartz

Carina Meissl
Web Development

Popp Max
Sound and Audio

Linda Alice Absmann
Social Media and Events

Caro Eisl
Design and Art Direktion

Tobias Wernik

Valerie Gesinger

Laura Pugliesi
Freelance Cooking

Aleksandra Garbarczyk

Anna Unterlerchner
Junior Designerin

Kira Saskia Schinko
Strategie, Kuration, Moderation